After much anticipation red knee has finally moulted :) I was doing my usual check this morning and didn't notice the moult straight away, and for a second I was like "Oo he looks strange" then noticed it was guarding its fresh moult by sitting on it. It looks so tiny compared to the spider! I don't know what it's like to be a spiderling, but I bet he feels much more comfortable, all I have to do now is let him harden up and hopefully I'll be able to feed him by the end of the week. Which will be amazing as he hasn't accepted food at all since I got him so to see him eat will be a relief.
Here are two photos, the first is post moult and the second is the exoskeleton with a ruler for emphasis on the tinyness! Don't worry, I'm not gonna hassle him again until he's ready to eat.
Nice to get that moult out of the way! I'm excited and nervous about my boehmei having its first moult!